Getting Investors

What Investors Look for in a Start-up

A start-up needs investments in order to reach out to its numerous customers especially when…

How to Reach the Right Investors

As an entrepreneur, you may have the investment teaser deck, and know the profile of…

How to Leverage Story Telling for Your Business Pitch

There are a number of reasons a business needs investments, these investments could be in…

How to Write a Winning Executive Summary

There is no set structure for an executive summary, but there are guidelines you must…

How to Select the Right Investors

At this stage,  you have created your investment teaser deck, but now you are trying…

How to be Investment Ready

Research has shown that in Nigeria, 80% of businesses fail within the first 5 years,…

Tips – Pitch Perfect!

“If you can’t explain it simply, you do not understand it well enough” – Albert…

Tips: Theory of Change

Tips: Theory of Change…

When to Hire a Co-Founder

When to Hire a Co-Founder…

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