Startup Basics

Registration and Licensing Requirements for a Cake Business

Navigating the regulatory framework is paramount for establishing a cake business in Nigeria. It involves…

7 Habits Entrepreneurs Need to Give Up to Become Profitable

Starting a business is like piecing together a puzzle, and to succeed at it, there…

Choosing the Right Business Name

Choosing the right business name is one of the most important decisions that an entrepreneur…

How to Choose your CFO Wisely

I start by highlighting that while Accounting and Finance share a thin line, it has…

Assessing Your Entrepreneurial Skills

Assessing Your Entrepreneurial…

Choosing an Ideal Price for your Product

Choosing an ideal price for your product is important as it determines the customer segment that…

Achieving Product-Market Fit in your Business

To begin, product-market fit means that your product, on all fronts, meets the needs of…

How to Create a Prototype

“A prototype is not an end in itself but a means to an end –…

Why You Need to Invest in Women-Owned Startups

Irrespective of the industry, establishing a new business is not an easy feat as it…

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