Dream Careers in Agribusiness (Part 2)

A career in agriculture does not always involve production farming. In fact, only a small percentage of the people who work in the sector, all over the world, are referred to as traditional farmers. The rest are gainfully employed in the more than 200 agriculture-related careers.
As a continuation of the part one of this article here are some other dream careers in Agribusiness:
Farm Management
A farm manager controls and directs all operations of production on a farm including all decision making and analysis as well as implementation of farm practices. Farm managers are responsible for the operations of all farm enterprises. This includes analyzing farm resources and finances, keeping records, finding solutions to problems and planning for future enterprises. In addition, farm managers may be responsible for daily decisions regarding crops, machinery, labour and livestock. Farm managers may be self-employed, work for another farming operation, or for a large commercial farm.
Foresters manage forest resources such as wood, water, wildlife, and recreational areas and make decisions regarding cultivation, maintenance and development of these resources. Foresters study forest measurements and statistics, dendrology, forest ecology, silviculture, forest protection, forest economics, forest policy and administration. Foresters are employed by a variety of companies including: colleges, universities, and research laboratories; Government agencies; forest products companies; non-profit organizations.
A horticulturalist is involved in the cultivation of fruits, vegetables, flowers or ornamental plants; in the art and science of fruit, vegetable, flower or ornamental plant production as well as the management required to oversee these enterprises. Horticulturalists may specialize in any one of the following: Floriculture; Vegetable production; Ornamental horticulture; Nursery management; Fruit production. Horticultural professionals find employment with: Landscaping companies; Garden centers; Flower shops; Crop production companies; Chemical or fertilizer companies; Cooperative Extension Service.
Natural Resource Management
Natural resource managers work and are dedicated to meet the challenges of satisfying the demands for natural resource products while conserving the environment. Acid rain, hazardous waste disposal, and ground water contamination are issues in environmental resource management. This profession involves problem solving in biology, ecology, environmental quality, and the economics and management of renewable resources. Natural Resources Managers find employment with: waste management firms; consulting firms; government.
Veterinary Agriculture
Veterinarians deal with causes, diagnosis and treatment of diseases and injuries of animals. They provide medical services for family pets, farmed livestock, wild life, etc. Since animals cannot communicate their symptoms to the doctor, veterinarians must depend on their own and the owners’ observations to make their diagnoses. Veterinarians also give advice to pet owners and livestock producers about health management and breeding of their animals. Some types of employers for veterinarians are: Large livestock production; Private practices; Kennels; Shelters; Zoos.
Acknowledgment: www.allaboutcareers.com/career…