Effective Time Management
August 4, 2021
It is rightly said “Time and Tide wait for no one” – Anonymous
In the workplace, managing your time effectively so that the right time is allocated to the right activity is crucial for success. This plays a very important role in organizational success, work productivity, and our personal lives.
People who waste time are the ones who fail to create an identity of their own. The time you harness or waste away, reveals a lot about your future.
How can you effectively and efficiently manage your time despite your tight schedule? Consider but much more, implement the following tack:
- Set your Priorities.
- Know what to be done on an urgent basis.
- Prepare a TO DO List or a Task Plan
- Finish your assignments within the stipulated time frame.
- Stay focused. Do not leave your workstation if some urgent work needs to be done.
- Do include time for your tea breaks, internet surfing, personal calls, and so on in your daily schedule.
- Do not overburden yourself.
- Say a firm NO to your boss if you feel you would not be able to complete a certain assignment within the assigned deadline. Don not worry, S/he will not feel bad.
- Be disciplined and punctual.
- Learn to be a little more organized. It will save your time which goes on unnecessary searching.
The time you fail to manage today might deny you your desired future.
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