How to Increase Workplace Satisfaction
Workplace satisfaction, also popularly known as Employee Satisfaction or Job Satisfaction measures the degree to which an employee finds fulfillment on his job, with respect to his overall work experience. The focal point in employee satisfaction is on the employee’s individual feelings about their employment relationship.
Employee job satisfaction is usually measured using Job Satisfaction survey. There is no single correct method for increasing workplace satisfaction; you may need to try a variety of measures and survey employees regularly, get and improve on feedback, tweak and monitor performance level to reduce turnover. The whole essence of doing this is to enable the employer understand employees’ preferences and develop the right programs and practices for the organisation.
In other to achieve the goal of the survey, focus is usually on the Employee Experience (employee’s perception about their interaction with organization’s work, environment and conditions of service) and Employee Engagement (employee’s level of involvement, motivation & commitment to the organization).
Employees’ attitudes are generally a reflection of the culture of the organization. Good managers know that happy employees are not only loyal but also very productive. Workplace satisfaction, however, is not linked solely to compensation. Sure, a raise or benefits will probably improve employee contentment at least temporarily, but small and inexpensive changes can have a long-term impact.
While employees can make up their mind and choose to be happy about their work, employers can also make small changes to make the workplace worth working in. Little bits of effort can lead to happy, efficient, and loyal employees.

5 Ways to Improve Employee Satisfaction
Create an Enabling Work Environment – If your office environment is restrictive and discouraging, going to work can quickly turn into a chore. An exciting, fun and energetic office space will ensure that people work productively and efficiently, and more importantly, enjoy doing the work. An enabling environment would be supportive, productive, encouraging and growth enabling. Give room for open communication, show concern for their personal lives, encourage work-life balance, give them more control over their schedules or work habits and treat them like family.
Provide Competitive Compensation and Benefits – Employers who want to attract and retain the best hands should not only pay according to industry standards but also ensure to be competitive with their benefits. Employees will be more satisfied with their job if their pay is at least commensurate with that of their colleagues in the industry. Compensating employees with less money than their counterparts in the industry could demotivate them and encourage them to look for work elsewhere.
Recognizing this may be difficult for small businesses to achieve, it therefore becomes imperative that the business owner strives consciously and intentionally to make up in other areas: such as creating a comfortable work environment, be accessible/approachable and appreciative of employees efforts and results. By so doing, you are motivating and encouraging them to stay focus in order to reap the rewards of the future business growth they would have contributed to achieving.
Use Appropriate Reward and Recognition Programs – Every employee, from a simple technician to a richly experienced manager expects the employer to recognize his work and appreciate the efforts he/she puts in day-to-day for the success of the business. When you recognize people effectively, you reinforce, with your chosen means of recognition, the actions and behaviors that you most want to see people repeat. Give positive feedback wherever necessary; send employees handwritten personal notes for their good works, give cash reward, gifts cards, a short vacation opportunity, free lunch, create monthly employee honor roll, etc. Healthy competition can boost morale, encourage hard work and increase satisfaction and retention.
Create Career Development Opportunities – Employees who know they have the opportunity to improve their skills and rise within the company could be motivated to be fully engaged at their work. Employers should have developmental plans to assist employees grow in their career, provide performance metrics, provide opportunities to work outside of their roles, give constructive feedback on their developments, train them, and link them up with other professionals etc.
Involve and Engage Employees: Provide opportunities for your employees to creatively and productively contribute to the organization. Employees are more committed and engaged when there is a process for them to contribute their ideas and suggestions; this gives them a sense of ownership and pride in their work. The organisation can regularly organise ideas day, where employees can present ideas for new process, products or services to management. This practice will not only foster the exchange of ideas but also create a healthy climate of innovation within the organisation.