Is your organisation a company, public institution, NGO or knowledge institution? And do you want to cooperate in a public-private partnership in order to contribute to sustainable development goals (SDGs) in developing countries? If so, then your project can receive support from the SDGP.

With the SDG Partnership facility (SDGP), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in collaboration with the Netherlands Enterprise Agency ( as the executor, aims to help achieve various sustainable development goals in developing countries:

SDG 2 (ending hunger)
SDG 8 (decent jobs and economic growth)
SDG 17 (partnerships for the goals)
These are key goals which cannot be solved by one party. That is why the SDGP works with partnerships between government, businesses, NGOs and/or knowledge centres. Combining the expertise of these parties is essential for finding innovative solutions to complex challenges. Partnerships are capable of aligning interests and bridging differences so that major steps can be taken towards attaining the SDGs.

SDGP focus areas
The SDGP programme is a far-reaching facility. A major part of the SDGP are the subsidy tenders. The first tender is aimed at stimulating private sector development and improving food security in developing countries through public-private partnerships (PPPs).

Projects contribute to one of more of the following focus areas:

creating better labour conditions and efficient working procedures (better work and income as well as increased production);
reducing malnutrition;
promoting economic growth in the agricultural and fisheries sector;
creating sustainable and ecologically sound food chains;
increasing private investments in developing countries.

Participation requirements
In the first call, PPPs can submit project proposals with one of the following themes:

Efficient value chains
Nutrition value
Circular economy – agri-sector
Better work and income for youth and women
Then we will compare the proposals within each theme.
Your PPP must consist of a maximum of 6 partners and include one 1 Dutch organisation, 1 local organisation, 1 NGO or knowledge institution, 1 company and 1 government organisation. A local government organisation is preferred.

The SGDP programme is open to activities in the countries included in the SDGP country list. This list can be found in Annex 2 of the official announcement of this programme in the Government Gazette.

The SDGP programme consists of three consecutive phases:

See Also

Project development  – You send in your project idea (Concept note). You will then receive follow-up advice from an RVO advisor on your project idea.
Subsidy application – You submit your project proposal together with the subsidy application, after which we will assess your application.
Implementation and follow-up – After an official approval, you may carry out the project with the support of
Support throughout the programme
As part of the SDGP programme, we can assign projects to third parties to support it. The objective of the support is to increase the impact of the SDGP and the sharing of knowledge. The projects are characterised by their beneficial qualities for the general good.

You can submit your Concept note in digital form up to and including October 1, 2018. Please fill in the digital form of the Concept note and submit it together with the Concept note as attachment. To submit the Concept Note, E-Herkenning (E-Recognition) (level 2) is needed. Foreign applicants need to use their RVO-login code. The digital Concept note can be found on the right in the field Submit your Concept note. The Concept note can be found below under Downloads on this page.
Submit your Subsidy application for the first tender from 16 November 2018 until 17 December 2018, 15:00 (CET). Formats will be made available at a later stage.
The available budget for the first opening call is €35 million. You can apply for a subsidy of at least €500,000 and at most €3 million per project.

Laws and regulations
The programme has been set up by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in collaboration with Read more on the policy framework and policy rules of the SDGP in the publication of the Staatscourant below:

Policy framework (how and why SDGP)
Policy rules (SDGP procedure)