Start-up Ecosystem Guide for Kaduna State
A brand & communications specialist with over 3 years of…
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State is widely famed for its growing entrepreneurial prowess particularly within
Northern Nigeria. Known for its agricultural focus, the textile mills and
automobile assembly plants, Kaduna has recently been in the limelight for its
re-focused attention on entrepreneurship as a priority in the State. This Start-up
Ecosystem Guide for Kaduna State provides information along key areas for
entrepreneurs within the State:
to Look First: This provides a list of places and/or sources like KADSTEP, Kaduna ICT Hub and ICWYI that entrepreneurs in Kaduna State typically visit or look first when starting a
business or looking for information to scale their businesses. This information
applies to both start-ups and existing businesses.
Support & Mentoring: If you are in need of business
support but not sure of where to look in Kaduna State, your search just got
easier as this resource lists Business Development Service Providers available
across Kaduna and provides their contact details.
& Accelerators: Kaduna State has a couple of incubators and accelerators
which you may want to take advantage of.
spaces: An alternative to renting an office space in Kaduna State
could be co-working spaces depending on your business. CoLab, which is the first innnovation hub and co-working space in Kaduna provide benefits that include high speed internet, constant power, conference room access, mail service etc.
to Capital: Your business idea will only become an actual business when you have
funding to implement your idea. You can find a list of sources to access
capital in Kaduna State on this resource.
Training: A great degree of business success is dependent on the business
knowledge you have. This resource lists a couple of enterprise training outfits
you can access in Kaduna State.
Events, Meet-ups & Groups: What are the key entrepreneurial events and meet-ups
happening in Kaduna? Find out more in this resource.
News Resources & Newsletters: Get information on online news
resources and newsletters for entrepreneurs in Kaduna state in this resource.
Click to Download Guide.
A brand & communications specialist with over 3 years of experience in business, organizational and product branding, visual communications, and helping businesses understand and use marketing to grow.