
How to Thank Customers for Positive Feedback

Many times, you think it better to respond to negative feedback from customers and appease…

Navigating your Business within the Nigerian Political Space

The Nigerian political space has a significant impact on businesses and their survival. This article…

The Importance of Digital Skills for African Professionals

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) defines digital skills as using digital devices, community…

Understanding the National Health Insurance Authority Act, 2022

The National Health Insurance Authority Act (NHIA), 2022, was signed into law in May 2022…

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: Tips from an Award-Winning Entrepreneur

At one point in your life, you’ve probably experienced imposter syndrome. You felt like your…

Business Ownership in Nigeria

Introduction This article explores business ownership in Nigeria specifically matters such as ownership and control,…

Achieving Product-Market Fit in your Business

To begin, product-market fit means that your product, on all fronts, meets the needs of…

Active Listening: The Entrepreneur’s Weapon

In a fast-paced noisy world, active listening is a must-have skill for every entrepreneur. It’s…

Defining Your Business Hypothesis

“No business plan survives first contact with customers” – Steve Blank, Silicon Valley entrepreneur. The lean…

How to Create a Brand Identity

“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If…

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